Well this week was an amazing week. I am
learning so much about myself in this last transfer and I am so grateful for
everything that God has given me. I know these aren't the easiest situations
but I know that in these times I am learning the most about myself and I will
be a better person because of where I am and what I am doing.
First of all, Elder Sanchez is awesome!!! He
came in with a rough attitude but I have realized that as long as I stay happy,
he does too. So I have just been trying to stay positive with everything and it
has been great! In my first week with him I have learned that I need to count
each and every one of my blessings. Some days aren't the best and those are the
times we need to realize how much we truly have in our lives. I wrote down a
long list of blessings that I have in my journal and this last week I have been
adding to the list. I know that the Lord has a plan for all of us and that we
all just need to work hard to please him and not worry what every one else
thinks of us.
We were able to have lots of success in our
first week together. We worked in our area 5 days of the week and we had over
50 lessons. So we are pretty excited with the progress this area is having. We
were able to put 9 new baptismal dates this week and the investigators we have
found are progressing very well. We had 8 investigators at church yesterday and
we are hoping to see lots of baptisms in June. Should be a crazy month out here
in San Jeronimito.
We had a super funny experience at lunch on
Saturday. We went to eat with a family that doesn't have much. They give us
food every week and I honestly feel so bad but sometimes I just can't get
everything down because of what they give us. So on Saturday they gave us cow
stomach... or lets just say pure fat!!! Man there was no meat. We ate
what everyone usually cuts off of their meat!! We always sit on their
porch when we eat and they have a field behind their house. After my first few
bites I literally thought I was going to throw up! So everytime the sister
would go inside to get something Elder Sanchez and I would take part of the cow
stomach and throw it out into the field! hahaha It was so funny!!! They
have about 5 dogs and 4 cats and they came into the house with the meat we
threw out into the field. The sister was so confused, but she never knew we did
it. She thought that it was from their neighbor's house hahaha Man, Elder
Sanchez and I were dying, as we tried to hold back from laughing hahaha!
Today I got a phone call from the missionaries
in Morelia saying that Jose Avalos will be getting baptized on Friday!!! I will
be leaving Friday morning to go to Morelia and I will be baptizing Jose! When I
hung up I started crying and just reflected upon what has gone on in his life.
It has truly helped me undersatand the repentance process. I am so excited!!
And hopefully within these next couple of weeks I will be going to Guadalajara
to see the Ortega Sanchez family get sealed!! I am so happy right now!
Dad, I was thinking about you all day
yesterday as you were getting released as Bishop. I had so many emotions
yesterday and I can only imagine how you were feeling! I'm sure it was hard to
leave behind everything you have done in these last 5 1/2 years as
Bishop, but there is no doubt that the Lord is happy with all that you
have done. You are the best dad in the world and I don't know where I would be
if I didn't have an example like you in my life. And now we will have more time
to hang out and go golfing and watch sports when I get home!
Well that's about it for my week. I am so happy
and I'm just enjoying every day!
Have a great week! I love you all!!!
Elder Payne
This is the guy I told you about and the tree he came home with haha |
#hesananimal |
The cow stomach we ate on Saturday haha |
We went to Ixtapa today! |
Thought this was a cool picture of a huge crab we saw |
Senor Frogs haha |