So this week has been pretty good!! Other than the
fact that the 9ers lost!! Looks like my prayers didn´t work... I´ll take the
heat for this loss! Sorry guys!!
On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we had to host either
new missionaries or old ones going home, since we live close to the
airport. So that was 3 nights in a row that I had a horrible sleep. I
slept on the ground all three nights, AAGGGHHH!!! But on Tusday I got to see
Elder Murdock and Elder Silos - they are both training. It was
On Tuesday we had another lesson with Rosario. She
is progressing, but very slowly! She has had 5 months with us and she is still
not sure. When people say ¨don´t give up on the hard investigators¨ they are
all referring to Rosario.
On Thursday we had lunch at a members house. It was
called ¨chicharron¨ and it was awful. It is flesh of pig... I´m not kidding!!
Look it up online!! I almost threw up! She sat down at the table with us to
talk so I had to act like I was thoroughly enjoying my food! I ate it like
pills. I just chewed super fast to break up what seemed to be rubber and then I
would put some soda in my mouth and just swallow! She had a 2 liter bottle of
Fresca and I drank almost the entire thing! After 45 minutes of suffering, I
finally finished my food. I asked if I could go to the bathroom because I
honestly thought I was going to lose it!! And then I just felt super sick all
day and that night I was throwing up all night! It was TERRIBLE!!
So we have been working super hard with this one
less active family, they are awesome! The mom (Mayra), has stayed pretty
active but her sister (Arendira) went less active for 4 years and she said she
was never going back to church again. We started meeting with them last month.
We didn´t really talk about church or anything because we didn´t want to
pressure her into going back. Two weeks ago she asked what time our church
service was and she told us she was going to go. She has a 13 year old daughter
(Fernanda) who isn´t a member. They have gone to church the last couple weeks
and loved it.
We went to their house yesterday to have a lesson
with them and Fernanda asked what she needed to do to get baptized. We were
super happy to hear that! It´s seriously every missionary's dream to be
asked that question. We then told her she needed to have a few lessons with us
and have an interview to show that she is ready. She then asked when she could
get baptized! Another amazing question for missionaries to answer! We told her
it was her decision and she replied with, ¨How about right now?¨ haha So we set
her date for February 15th and it has been awesome meeting with this family! We
have family home evening with them every Monday night and they always invite
their neighbors. We have a couple baptismal dates planned with a couple of her
neighbors so we are hoping it will all work out!
Well that was it for my week. It was a good week
and every week is getting better. It´s weird because as much as I would love to
leave this area and see other parts of this mission, I kinda wish I could just
stay here for the next 17 months! I am getting attached to a few of these
families and I know it will be so hard to leave this area!
Congrats to Ashley Amos & Alex Wassom
on their engagement! That´s awesome, so happy for you guys!
Every week I am more shocked at how many dead dogs
I see!! It´s like seeing dead squirrels in Pleasanton. You just see them
layting in the middle of the street and its like not a big deal at all! A
couple nights ago we were walking through a park near our house and their was a
dog fight and tons of people were crowded around watching! It's so sad what
some people do for entertainment!!
Well I love you guys so much and I hope you are all
doing well and that you had a good week!! I was super bummed to hear about my
9ers but in a couple weeks I´m sure I will get over it. You don´t know how hard
it was laying in bed last night not knowing if they won or lost. Hey at
least Kyle Williams didn´t play! That made it a close game!
Elder Mike Payne
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Our zone again after transfers! Not a bunch of changes but here is our new and improved zone hahaha |
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We ate at this members house who lives on the hill in our area. We decided to take this pic with an awesome view of Guadalajara |
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