This last week has been super good! We are working really hard in our area and I am loving it here. Today we had transfers and I am still here in Estadio! I am super happy but the bad news is that Elder Rueda left. He is now in a zone called ¨Uruapan.¨
I don't know whether to feel happy or sad, President has put me with a new companion that is going home this next transfer. He is from Colombia. He was in the Colombian Army! That's about all I know about him so far.
btw- Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all my family in Canada!!!).
It should be a fun transfer, I am going to learn lots. I like challenges and that's exactly what the mission is for. If it was easy I wouldn't learn anything! I am going to try and be patient and love my companion as much as I can. I just want him to end his mission on a positive note!
Anyways, this last week was pretty good. We have been working hard and seeing lots of success. We are working hard on finding incomplete families so that we can help them get sealed. We have found three incomplete families and we are working with lots of investigators. One of our investigators has a big van and brought a bunch of our investigators to church yesterday so we were super happy to see him helping us out.
We are also teaching the daughter of the guy we baptized 2 weeks ago. She has a pretty tough situation at home right now but we are helping her as much as we can. It's awesome how much people trust in missionaries. We sat down with their whole family and set goals with them on how they can get along better and have more love in their home. It was a pretty cool experience. She has her baptism set for next Saturday so we are going to help her out as much as we can.
We have many other super awesome investigators and I am loving this area. Hopefully I will get to stay here until January or February. But I'm not sure, we will see what happens!
Love you all and have an amazing week!!!
Elder Payne
Bishop's wife's birthday. We bought her a cake :) |
This is the funniest lady in the world. She is one of the strongest members in our ward! She is so awesome! We love all of her stories. |
Fresh chicken haha |
One of our investigators who works in a tire repair shop |
Elder Rueda and I found a lost dog of one of the members like a mile from her house so we walked it back to her house haha funniest thing ever! |
Super funny graffiti |
Cool graffiti art in my area |
With my girlfriend in the city haha |
Some of our investigators |
More of our investigators and their family |