I've been out here for 500 days! This
week was pretty awesome, our baptism fell through but we had a huge miracle so
it made up for it!!
On Tuesday we were able to put a couple new
baptismal dates with our investigators that we are teaching. We now have 13
baptismal dates in our area!! We are killing this area right now! This entire
year in Chapala there have only been 5 baptisms and we are trying to change the
attitude of this zone because everyone comes here thinking they aren't going to
have success.
On Wednesday we had to do a bunch of stuff in
the morning because we are going to open a new area in our zone next transfer.
Then we had to take a bus for an hour and a half to go eat lunch. After lunch I
was kind of upset because it was 4:00 and we hadn't had one lesson all day.
We then decided to go and try to find Cecilia
Valencia, Claudia's aunt. ** Note: Claudia has
worked for Larry for 24 years, and she is from the town that Mike is in!
She still has family there, what a small world!** Her
pueblo (town) is 30 minutes from where we were eating. We got to her
house, knocked on the door and no one answered. One of Claudia's cousins, Rosa,
lives across the street and she told us she was taking classes to learn how to
make bread. It was in the plaza 2 minutes from her house. So we went to check
it out.
As we got to her baking class we asked if
Cecilia was there. One of the cutest old ladies stands up...she lookes exactly
like Claudia hahahaha well not really but there is definitely a resemblance. I
presented myself to her and told her that I know Claudia and she was so nice to
us! She invited us into her class to meet all her friends. We entered in the
class and found 17 people that were super excited to see us. We began to share
a message with them and it went really well. I felt like an olden day
missionary just standing in the middle of a cirlce and teaching tons of people
After the lesson we left like everything we had
for them: The family proclamation, pamphlets, Books of Mormon, etc. They were
so happy and told us to go back the following day. We went back and none of
them had read :( hahaha I was kinda sad but we wrote down some names of people
who wanted us to go to their houses and teach them. The only tough thing about
teaching in little pueblos like that is that there are tons of traditions with
the catholic church and its nearly impossible to baptize people there because
of the influence of everyone around them. Cecilia took us to her house
and showed us around. She is a super awesome lady. She is VERY catholic but we
have plans to go back on Tuesday and she is going to teach us how to make
tamales!! Should be fun :)
We are working with another investigator named
Eufracia. She is like 60 years old and loves going to church. She has one
daughter who is a member and the rest of her kids aren't members. She wants to
go to church every week but she doesn't like reading because she gets bored. We
are going to work hard with her this week so hopefully this Saturday she can
have her baptism!
There is a bunch of retired Canadians and
Americans here, it's cool to hear people speak English... and I get to
translate for them. There is a family in our branch from Calgary with the last
name Ames, (if any of my Canadian family knows them).
I am doing great and loving it out here! We are
working really hard, thank you all for the love and support. 16 days until we
get to skype with the family!!!!!
Elder Mike Payne
Making pizza with the Nuño family |
Being a professional pizza maker |
I'm super cool... you don't have to tell me |
Super nice community with the lake behind |
Eating the bread that Cecilia made |
The well in Cecilia's house |
In Cecilia's garden |
One of the Catholic cathedrals in Ocotlan... with a big monument of Christ on the cross... it is very Catholic here |
Only in the family exists true love |
More cowboys riding in the street |
Merry Christmas |
Yesterday there were like 100 people riding horses with a big virgin Mary in front... it's crazy here |
Our desk where we study... and Elder Garcia |
Our kitchen... with the supplies for the house of the new area that we will be opening |
Our family room haha |
Our bedroom |
With Cecilia and a bunch of the ladies from the baking class |
Celia's house |