Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 6 - September 6, 2012

Hola familia y amigos,

So this past weekend, mail was horrible because of labor day. So no one in the MTC got mail for like 3 and a half days! On Tuesday when we got our mail, it was one of the happiest days I have had since I've been here! I LOVE getting letters! So keep them comin! :)

Well My spanish is improving a ton every day! When you develop the basics and get all the sentence structure down, all you need is vocab and you can just build off of that. So I feel pretty comfortable right now! I can't wait to get out to Mexico! We leave in 16 days!!! That's crazy! I know I will probably be completely lost with the language once I get to Mexico but I set a goal that I just want to be completely fluent by my birthday...That will be my present for myself haha

So funny story: Elder Murdock likes to try and hold his breath whenever someone prays and he takes it as a personal challenge to see if he can hold his breath throughout the entire prayer. Well this last Tuesday we had a devotional and he tried this challenge, yet again. There are 2,000 missionaries in this huge auditorium. As the prayer began, he took a big breath in...about 35 seconds into the prayer, the elder who was giving the prayer says "Heavenly Father, please bless us and allow us to be able to receive revelation and grow closer to Christ so we can be more like him." Immediately after he finished this sentence, Elder Murdock lets out a huge breath of air and loudly whispers "Okay that's not possible!" As he was talking about holding his breath, all the other Elders around us thought he was talking about this kids prayer hahaha they all turned and stared right after the prayer ended! We definitely got judged hahahaha it was soooo funny!!

This one is for you, mom. In Alma 57:21 it says "Yea and they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their mothers had taught them." This scripture is talking about the 2,000 strippling warriors. When all the missionaries here are together at devotionals I seriously feel like we are the strippling warriors...just a little more ripped ;) I am so lucky to have a mom that has been so supportive in my life! You are the best mom in the world! I am so lucky to have you! I look up to you more than you can ever imagine!! I hope my wife is half the mom you are! I love you so much!

Este lugar es incredible! Yo estoy muy agredecido por la oportunidad de servir un mission y por la oportunidad de compartir este evangelio con todos personas en Mexico. Este proximo dos anos pueden dificil pero yo se que este trabajo es bueno y tambien yo se que Dios ama todos de sus Hijos. Nosotros somos Hijos de Dios y eventualmente Dios quiere que nosostros volvamos en cielo con El y con nuestras familias. Un grande manera pos esto es por medio de bautismal. Bautismo es el primero convenio that we make. Estos proximo dos anos, yo puedo compartir este mensaje con todos y yo se que my espanol es una prueba en mi vida pero en Proverbs 3:5-6 el dice "You will receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." Yo se que este idioma es una prueba pero cuando yo trato y mostro mi fe en Dios y Jesucrsto yo puedo recibir muchos bendiciones y mas importantamente, los personas en Mexico puden closer con Dios por medio del bautismo. :)

I love you all so much!! Thank you for all the love and support!!

Con Amor,
Elder Mike Payne

Angel Moroni on the top of the Provo temple

Mike was so excited to get a package with Mountain Dew and In N Out in it!

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