Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 8 - September 20, 2012


Wow what a crazy week! I have so much that I need to do before Monday! Anyways, this last week has been weird! It is all becomming so real! I cannot believe I will be in Mexico in 4 days! I am so excited though! Last Friday, I got my travel plans and I leave the MTC at 5 AM on Monday. We fly to Dallas and then to Guadalajara. We are supposed to get into Guadalajara at around 5 PM on Monday. I can't believe how fast it has gone! I have been out for almost 2 months already! The days are so long but then you look back and it just feels like time is flying! I seriously get butterflies just thinking about Mexico, I am so stoked! My trainer better be ready to work!

On Monday, I got 19 letters and 2 packages!! haha that was the funniest night ever! They played the under/over game and someone guessed 14 and then Elder Murdock goes "Okay this isn''t going to happen again. It''s Mike Payne but he doesn''t have THAT many people that love him." and then when I got 19, I have never heard elder Murdock yell louder hahaha!! It is going to be so weird getting like one or two letters a week in Mexico!! You guys all better keep it up! I''m sure I will be having some rough days out there where I will be needing some letters! :)  I also heard if you guys put pictures of Mary or Mother Theresa on packages and letters it goes through safely. There are tons of Catholics in Mexico and they all respect catholic icons haha but don''t send anything to valuable until we make sure I''m getting your packages and letters! 
Yesterday I was a host was the WORST!!! Dad why did you have to give me emotional genes! hahaha We have a joke in our district that it's impossible for me to #1-bare my testimony without talking about my family and #2- Bare my testimony about my family without crying! Anyways, I had to watch more innocent missionaries be taken away from their families. Whenever we had a "cryer" (as I would call them) stop at our spot, I had a different elder host because I wasn't about to go through that torture again! Luckily this time I was assigned to spot 6...and I hosted these two guys who pretty much ran out of the car with their bags! I was so happy about that because it wasn't emotional at all! It was awesome hosting those missionaries because they were just so excited to be there! Then after that, at 1:45 yesterday I went to the consolate in Salt Lake City to sign everything for my Visas and to take a few pictures. It was so weird to actually go on the freeway and to see the outisde world!! It was so nice and it just made me super excited because I got to see some people that weren't missionaries!

This Sunday the Brigham City Temple is being dedicated! I am so excited because we will get to watch the dedication here! Its crazy what they do to prepare for temple dedications here in the MTC. So they try and make the gym feel like a temple so today they closed the gym and they are cleaning it for 3 days so that on Sunday it will be like mega I think you could get hired for that one...just bring a few gallons of pledge and you would be lovin life! You thought cleaning our kitchen table was fun...imagine an entire basketball court! WOW...

Well here's my spiritual thought for the week. In John 10:17 it says "Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again." It is crazy that Christ was WILLING to die and sacrifice his life for US and in the end of that verse he says "that I might take it again." Christ loves us so much that if he had to go through all that pain again and suffer for all of us again he would! It's weird to think how much God loves us! My teacher asked me the other day..."Elder Payne would you be willing to sacrifice the life of someone in your family so that a murderer could get out of jail?" My obvious response was "You're an idiot." and then he laughed and said "God loves us so much that he sent down his son so that murderers and all these other horrible people could be redeemed of their sins! Isn't that crazy?"

Estoy muy animado por esto oportunidad! Estoy muy animado a enseƱar y compartir esto mensaje acerca de esta evangelio a La gente de Mexico! Yo se que esto iglesia es verdadero y cuando nosotros buscamos por la verdad y cuando nosotros oramos a Dios, recibiremos una respuesta que La Iglesia De Jesucristo de los santos de los Ultimos Dios ES VERDADERO! Yo se que esto con todo de me corazon. Mi espanol esta una prueba en me vida y especialmente cuando yo ire a Mexico, pero con el espiritu y con Jesucristo en my vida, yo se que recibire ayudar y conocimiento. Necesito mas humildad en mi vida y esto oportunidad es perfecto for eso. Jesucristo sabe todos pruebas en nuestras vidas y nosotros necesitamos venimos mas cerca a El. Jesucrito darnos mas paz y gozo en nuestras vidas y yo estoy muy agredecido por todos bendiciones en mi vida, pero mas importante, para mi familia :) LA IGLESIA DE JESUCRISTO DE LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DAS ES VERDADERO!!! BUSCEN LAS PALABRAS DE CRISTO!

I Love you all so much! The next email you get will be from Mexico! That is so weird!! thank you for all the love and support! God bless you all!

Elder Mike Payne

If you want to send Mike a letter or package here is his new address!
Elder Michael Payne
Mexico Guadalajara East Mission
Calle Aguamarina #3292
Colonia Residencial Victoria
45089 Zapopan, Jalisco 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 7 - September 13, 2012

What's up amigos! How are you all doin?

This week has been pretty awesome! We leave to Mexico in 8 days!! (Sept. 24th) It is comin up so quick! Our district is really working hard trying to prepare ourselves as best as we can! I know I will probably be lost anyways but I feel like I will pick it up pretty quick! It is so weird how real the gift of tongues is! If we have faith in God that he will perform miracles, it will happen! I had a 40 minute conversation with a girl who served her mission in Argentina!! And Argentina spanish is so much different than Mexico spanish! I understood everything she said!! It was awesome!

Okay worst experience of my life...and I quote straight from my journal "Wednesday September 12, 2012: Well today was rough! I relived day 1. I got to watch missionaries say bye to their families. It was terrible. I had to host an elder who had to say goodbye to his 9 year old brother. I started crying!" -That is not a joke!!! It was so embarrassing! I was supposed to be supportive and happy and instead I started crying! I made elder Murdock host him! I couldn't do it! I hate watching people say goodbye to their families! And the worst part was that out of 25 numbers, I was assigned to host the missionaries at spot 19...the exact same spot I got dropped off at!! Wow was that the worst! And we just got asked today if we will host next week too! I hate Wednesdays! hahaha I feel so bad for the new missionaries.

Okay so last Friday we had a lesson on how well we know God. Our teacher told us to list as many attributes and characteristics as we can with our dad's here on earth. We were also told to list good memories we have had with our dad's as well. As I started making this list, I looked around the room and noticed that two elders weren't very involved as the rest of us. From knowing their backgrounds, I immediately started bawling!! Elder James has had such a rough childhood and elder Reynold's dad passed away a few years ago. I can't imagine my life without a dad like mine. I have the most incredible dad in the world and I wish I can be half the man you are when I'm older. Without a father figure in my life, I really don't know where I would be!
I love you guys so much!! Every day here is so hard but I know that it is where I need to be! I can't wait to go out to Mexico! I'm pretty freaked out and nervous but I don't even care! I know the Lord will protect me and I know that as long as I am obedient and work my butt off the Lord will bless me and I will be able to bring others closer to Christ.

I love you all so much! Thank you for the support and love!!

Con Amor,
Elder Mike Payne

Mike and Elder Folsom

Mike and his district

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lifting Burdens

Mike wanted me to put this video up on his blog because he loves the message and wants everyone to hear it.  He loves the quote in this video, "Although we might settle for less, our Heavenly Father won't.  For he sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming."

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 6 - September 6, 2012

Hola familia y amigos,

So this past weekend, mail was horrible because of labor day. So no one in the MTC got mail for like 3 and a half days! On Tuesday when we got our mail, it was one of the happiest days I have had since I've been here! I LOVE getting letters! So keep them comin! :)

Well My spanish is improving a ton every day! When you develop the basics and get all the sentence structure down, all you need is vocab and you can just build off of that. So I feel pretty comfortable right now! I can't wait to get out to Mexico! We leave in 16 days!!! That's crazy! I know I will probably be completely lost with the language once I get to Mexico but I set a goal that I just want to be completely fluent by my birthday...That will be my present for myself haha

So funny story: Elder Murdock likes to try and hold his breath whenever someone prays and he takes it as a personal challenge to see if he can hold his breath throughout the entire prayer. Well this last Tuesday we had a devotional and he tried this challenge, yet again. There are 2,000 missionaries in this huge auditorium. As the prayer began, he took a big breath in...about 35 seconds into the prayer, the elder who was giving the prayer says "Heavenly Father, please bless us and allow us to be able to receive revelation and grow closer to Christ so we can be more like him." Immediately after he finished this sentence, Elder Murdock lets out a huge breath of air and loudly whispers "Okay that's not possible!" As he was talking about holding his breath, all the other Elders around us thought he was talking about this kids prayer hahaha they all turned and stared right after the prayer ended! We definitely got judged hahahaha it was soooo funny!!

This one is for you, mom. In Alma 57:21 it says "Yea and they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their mothers had taught them." This scripture is talking about the 2,000 strippling warriors. When all the missionaries here are together at devotionals I seriously feel like we are the strippling warriors...just a little more ripped ;) I am so lucky to have a mom that has been so supportive in my life! You are the best mom in the world! I am so lucky to have you! I look up to you more than you can ever imagine!! I hope my wife is half the mom you are! I love you so much!

Este lugar es incredible! Yo estoy muy agredecido por la oportunidad de servir un mission y por la oportunidad de compartir este evangelio con todos personas en Mexico. Este proximo dos anos pueden dificil pero yo se que este trabajo es bueno y tambien yo se que Dios ama todos de sus Hijos. Nosotros somos Hijos de Dios y eventualmente Dios quiere que nosostros volvamos en cielo con El y con nuestras familias. Un grande manera pos esto es por medio de bautismal. Bautismo es el primero convenio that we make. Estos proximo dos anos, yo puedo compartir este mensaje con todos y yo se que my espanol es una prueba en mi vida pero en Proverbs 3:5-6 el dice "You will receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." Yo se que este idioma es una prueba pero cuando yo trato y mostro mi fe en Dios y Jesucrsto yo puedo recibir muchos bendiciones y mas importantamente, los personas en Mexico puden closer con Dios por medio del bautismo. :)

I love you all so much!! Thank you for all the love and support!!

Con Amor,
Elder Mike Payne

Angel Moroni on the top of the Provo temple

Mike was so excited to get a package with Mountain Dew and In N Out in it!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pictures from Mike!

Here are some pictures as well as the captions Mike sent us this week.

We thought we were super cool by putting our name tags on the temple sign.

Our districts last temple walk together (since the Columbian guys left).

Some of the guys from BYU... Elder Folsom left that next morning to go to Texas.

Elder Herrick and I are pals!

Elder Humble left for San Antonio on Wednesday morning.  Last picture with him for 2 years.