Wow I can´t believe I am at 8 months! This last month just flew by! I cant believe next week it is already April!!
Anyways, I don´t have too many crazy stories to tell you from this week. I mean I have a had a bunch of cool little experiences but nothing crazy exciting! Our house has 3 bedrooms and a pretty nice bathroom, we only use about half of the house. My companion is cool, he is a super good missionary. He has 22 months on his mission and most likely I will be his last companion because he goes home in June. It is so nice because he knows what he´s doing and we are just working super hard together! His name is Elder Castro and I couldn´t help to think of the Castro District in sometimes I call him Ël Distrito.¨ I told him the story and he just chuckles when I call him that! hahaha we are having fun together
The area I am in is actually pretty nice!! Tons of walking but its all paved roads so its pretty nice!! I have lost a lot of weight last week because we didn´t have time to go buy food last P-Day so I didn´t really eat anything except for lunches with the members. But we have tons of stores in our area and it is super nice to finally have things in my area. We have Walmart and Office Depot in the same parking lot!! Just when I thought vacation couldn´t possibly get any better... I found Office Depot!! It is absolutely incredible!! We also have McDonalds, Burger King, Carls Jr., Little Ceasars, Tacos Paza...and more! It is so amazing!!!
So my first night here as we were walking back to our house, we passed a catholic church. The Priest was preaching to the entire congregation and right as we passed he said, with a lot of enthusiasm ¨Watch out for the 21 year old gueros. They are coming to teach about their church and trying to convince you to be baptized. They are underaged and unintelligent.¨ haha So that just explains this place. Everyone here is super catholic!! Not a lot of people want much to do with us! It´s pretty sad but we also have found a lot of investigatoirs last week so that is super good!
The ward is super strong and we have a bunch of awesome members. The Bishop is super cool. He has only been Bishop for 4 months so he is just super pumped up to work hard and to help us out. We received 11 references last week!! I have never even heard of a companionship getting more than like 5 in a week!! So that was pretty awesome! We set 3 baptismal dates last week with some of our investigators. They are all dates for April so we are hoping to have about 3 or 4 baptisms here next week. That is pretty good because Elder Castro told me they have had 3 baptisms here in the last 8 months!!
Anyways, I don´t have too many crazy stories to tell you from this week. I mean I have a had a bunch of cool little experiences but nothing crazy exciting! Our house has 3 bedrooms and a pretty nice bathroom, we only use about half of the house. My companion is cool, he is a super good missionary. He has 22 months on his mission and most likely I will be his last companion because he goes home in June. It is so nice because he knows what he´s doing and we are just working super hard together! His name is Elder Castro and I couldn´t help to think of the Castro District in sometimes I call him Ël Distrito.¨ I told him the story and he just chuckles when I call him that! hahaha we are having fun together
The area I am in is actually pretty nice!! Tons of walking but its all paved roads so its pretty nice!! I have lost a lot of weight last week because we didn´t have time to go buy food last P-Day so I didn´t really eat anything except for lunches with the members. But we have tons of stores in our area and it is super nice to finally have things in my area. We have Walmart and Office Depot in the same parking lot!! Just when I thought vacation couldn´t possibly get any better... I found Office Depot!! It is absolutely incredible!! We also have McDonalds, Burger King, Carls Jr., Little Ceasars, Tacos Paza...and more! It is so amazing!!!
So my first night here as we were walking back to our house, we passed a catholic church. The Priest was preaching to the entire congregation and right as we passed he said, with a lot of enthusiasm ¨Watch out for the 21 year old gueros. They are coming to teach about their church and trying to convince you to be baptized. They are underaged and unintelligent.¨ haha So that just explains this place. Everyone here is super catholic!! Not a lot of people want much to do with us! It´s pretty sad but we also have found a lot of investigatoirs last week so that is super good!
The ward is super strong and we have a bunch of awesome members. The Bishop is super cool. He has only been Bishop for 4 months so he is just super pumped up to work hard and to help us out. We received 11 references last week!! I have never even heard of a companionship getting more than like 5 in a week!! So that was pretty awesome! We set 3 baptismal dates last week with some of our investigators. They are all dates for April so we are hoping to have about 3 or 4 baptisms here next week. That is pretty good because Elder Castro told me they have had 3 baptisms here in the last 8 months!!
As for our zone...they are seeing lots of success actually. Elder Castro was telling me that they are pretty disobedient missionaries and that´s why they haven´t had much success! But we talked about how we could help them and we have been calling our zone like crazy to make sure they are working hard. We call each companionship at least twice a day! It has really helped because we just ask about their day and how they are doing and we just try and motivate them. Its funny because we have a zone of 12 missionaries and 8 of them are Americans and the others understand english!
We are teaching english classes in our ward. We have four missionaries in our ward and two are from the states, one is from Canada and the other is from Mexico. I have been teaching the classes, it is pretty sweet because we have like 30-40 people every Tuesday and Thursday in our classes!
Well today we just went full out vacation mode!!! First we went to Office Depot to buy some things for my desk. Then we went to Walmart and bought a ton of food! It was only 530 pesos which is like $45! We went and ate at Little Ceasar's Pizza. Super funny story actually. So we were going to go eat at Carls Jr. but some guy was sitting down and started talking to us in english. He had a perfect english accent and we realized he couldn´t speak spanish at all! He looked super wealthy haha!! Then he was like ¨Hey why don´t we go to Little Ceasar's, I´ll buy you whatever you want.¨ After talking to him for a while we realized he is a member and has been his entire life. He owns all the Little Ceasar's in Mexico!!!! How crazy is that?!
Well that´s about it for the week!! I love you all and I hope you are all doing well! I am doing awesome!!
2 Timothy 4:7. Fight through your battles and put all your trust in God. ¨Pray to God like everything depends on him. Work like everything depends on you.¨
Take care and God bless. I am praying for you all!
Elder Payne
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Me playing in the kids place in Carls Jr. haha |
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Corn Dogs baby! I have found a way to gain all my weight back! |
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I can't wait until I get home so I can have little kids to play with so I don't look like an idiot just playing by myself in the kids place! haha |